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June 2022 Update For Our Belvedere Parade Development

Our Ashcourt Homes site in Bridlington is looking fantastic as progress is made on the development. We’re currently well underway with off-site services like the excavation for the new electrical power supply and the mains waste connection. On-site work continues with plot works including block and beam drainage on each plot. Despite some delays with steel deliveries due to a national shortage, we remain on track and on schedule for the development as a whole.

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Work to install the roof trusses and internal stud walls has now commenced. From here we should see the scaffolding amended on plots 20/21 to allow for render and cladding, these plots will also be plastered within the next 4 weeks. The M&E works will commence imminently on the first plots and the first phase of kitchens have been called off for delivery in July.